Friday 10 July 2015

Big B******* Walking Club - On the dangers of hills...

Life gets in the way sometimes, so we didn’t end up going walking on the Tuesday, instead waiting till Thursday before we managed to get out there.  This time we had a plan, up high on the roads as far as the Shafton turn off, then down through Rabbit Ings park and then down via Shaw lane to get back to the house.

The best of intentions often end up with the worst of results, particularly if you’re walking along areas that don’t really have adequate signage, and worse, have paths that do have signage that are the wrong paths...

This is not to put the whole blame on the path, after all, we’re just out walking it, but what was intended as a six mile, two hour walk ended up being a seven mile, three hour walk.

Why three hours I hear you ask?

Because when you’re going up hills at forty five degrees, you slow down, and when you find yourself not where you thought you were and end up going back up and down those hills again, that mile on forty five degrees takes somewhat longer than the mile on level ground...

Still, beyond the revelation that two hours is fine, three hours is painful, we found a few things while we were out...

Some Bridges you’ve seen from a different angle before...

Namely up that path...

 Old Industry never dies...

It just gets patched up...

Sometimes a marsh just looks like a regular field...

Areas of Natural beauty need to be confined behind steel and spikes...

Doesn’t look too bad from this angle...

And a Sunset is always pleasant at this height...

We should have brought the Gladiator sound track with us...

I can see my house from here...

At the top of Rabbit ings...

Another strange monolith...

And a forest that would trap us in incomplete paths for some time...

Before letting us out on a construction that made no sense...

Next week it’s going to be the Thursday again, and this time we’ll plan it out in advance...