Monday 19 May 2014

Day 139 - Insurance, Caveat Emptor... Required 382250, Achieved 378551

So, a mild amount of frustration today, it seems that with insurance of a motor vehicle nature, in the event that you're in an accident and the damage is reasonably severe, you get a couple of options.

1: Your insurance company move to immediate write off, without knowledge of what's happened and without proper understanding of the damage caused, this is their preferred option, because then you pay the excess and you get to have what they say is the value of your car (it's not...)
2: You've had an injury in the accident, at which point the compensation vultures are all over it like flies, going so far as to run the claim up even when you've pointed out that the only aches and pains you had were from the workout you did the day previously...
3: You go to the other parties insurance and deal with it all yourself...

Options one and two invalidate your no claims bonus, unless they can prove total liability for the opposition, and option three requires that you spend all the time in the world dealing with your own things that you thought you'd paid insurance to take care of.

So, more on this tomorrow, it's likely I'm going to take the matter directly to the people who owned the other vehicle, as the driver of said vehicle admitted everything and was still double the alcohol level when they tested him again three hours later, and in a move of remarkable alacrity, is in court next week for the offenses, leading me to believe that for once, justice may indeed be swift...

Still, another chapter on Ocean of Stars for those in the story group and I'll be back on the air tomorrow.

This is John Dodd in the Socialist republic of south Yorkshire and Goodnight England, Wherever you are...