I also thought to test out the diamine shimmertastic ink in it, as while the nib is EF, it's not as fine as the Japanese equivalents (and had it been, I would not have tried out shimmertastic ink, as it doesn't show up in the same way for those ultra fine lines), and while I'll come to the ink in a separate post, I thought they complemented each other very well.
The pen is very light, it comes in a metal variant for additional heft if people are so inclined, but the cost on those pens is more than I'm happy with anyone shelling out on, so I asked for the basic version. Despite the size of the barrel (maybe even because of, short fingers on broad hands and all that), I found it very easy to work with, both capped and bare, no exertion from the continued writing on it, and easy to change the cartridge when it came time to do so. It's very portable, but works better in a trouser pocket rather than clipping into a shirt, so (particularly with jeans) I can carry this in the smaller pocket as a handy pen as well as a regular pen in the shirt pocket.
The flow is good, not so brilliant on lesser papers, but that's to be expected of any pen and ink, your results are always tied to the equipment that you use to get those results, but I'd recommend this for beginners everywhere, good utility pen and cheap enough to be entry level for most.