Friday, 22 January 2016

Longcon 2 provisional Dates

We've provisionally booked the Garrison for the 9th and 10th of July this year for Longcon 2, as far as we've been able to see, it's not bumping into Paizocon (D'oh) like last year, and Stabcon, while the week before, is a completely different crowd to the one we saw at Longcon last year.

So, the next question is who's running and who's playing?  I'm clearing the website now for submissions, anyone with something they fancy doing, get in touch, let me know if it's one day or two and give me as much detail on the scenario as you can.

I'm waiting on the Garrison coming back to me (they've assured me wednesday of next week) to confirm prices for the venue, but I'm sure the cost difference will not be significant (if any), and then we can get the bookings going.

Last years website is still at

and we'll be adding the new games in as soon as they're submitted.