Sunday, 13 March 2016

And the good thing for today...

Actually, there were a few, which for a weekend is a really big thing...

I finished off Dava Sobels Longitude and got a review done.

I finished off All the Elders Orphans, a book I'm reading for a fellow author on goodreads, lovely book, could easily be the next Station Eleven.

I've listed all the writing competitions I'm entering this year, and all the conventions I hope to go to...

I spoke to my excellent friend Martin Tideswell, we don't catch up often enough he and I, side effects of lives too busy and time not (yet) bending to our will, good to catch up with him though, I need to spend more time doing that...

and finally, I just finished off the big bottle of Glayva in the corner...

Not even a bit tipsy...

Truly not...

But the day reminded me that there's not enough time to do everything that you want in life, and that's something I have to work on soon...

This is John Dodd, in the socialist republic of South Yorkshire and goodnight England, Wherever you are...