The Long con...
For all those not in the UK, I apologise, this won’t be as relevant for
all of you.
I’ve been thinking for some time about setting up a different type of
convention, because while playing shorter games of up to four hours is all well
and good, I miss those days when I could set aside whole weekends to play a
single game with good friends. Sure, we’d talk s*** for a lot of the time and
of a certainty, half the time would be us catching up with each other, but that
would leave us a whole day in which to game.
And I’ve really been missing that...
And I suspect I’m not alone in this...
So I’m going to try and do something about it.
In a weeks time, I’m running a trial on something I’m calling Longcon,
which is going to be running on a single day (Sunday 23rd) and will
involve a number of games that will run for around eight hours, with a whole
story being told and enough time being given to get through the whole thing without
having the GM have to move things on. If
there’s enough interest, I’m going to start doing more of them. It might not be me running them all the time,
because there’s a number of other people who’ve been involved in the setting up
of this, but it may go some way towards satiating other peoples interests in
having longer games to play.
There are still a few spots available for the one on the 23rd,
It’s in south Yorkshire, no entry fee, bring your own snacks, full details available
on request if anyone’s interested, and there’ll be a report to follow detailing
if people really liked it, what worked and what didn’t and most importantly, if
there’s been enough good feedback to warrant another one running.
But I’m interested in everyone else’s thoughts on the matter, are conventions
that cater for longer games (so real investigative cthulhu and other things
that are too long for shorter slots) an interest for people or do the four hour
(and shorter) slots suit the purpose well?