So didn't fall quite as behind as I feared I would with the last few days, and being forced to sit on a chair all day to prevent nuclear fallout from worldcon burger has actually yielded win in the form of words written...
However, as the risk of fallout is now fading, I look forwards to drinking things that don't just flow straight through and also the prospect of sleeping all night, which has been absent the last few evenings.
Worldcon was excellent, and I've just watched the Hugo awards with interest, no one I know who won, but a whole load more books I need to pick up and see what's going on there. As to the rest, updates will be late tomorrow as I'm at a writers group and probably late on Tuesday as I'm playing D&D in the evening, maybe absent altogether on Wednesday due to a boys 23rd birthday and us taking him to see the Blackbird down in Cambridge (the plane that made the speed and altitude records more than forty years back, not an actual Black Bird...), so it's going to be a bit of a challenge to keep up with everything in the coming days, but for once, I'm in a good place, as people can tell when I write sentences that will kill all people reading out loud for lack of air in lungs because I haven't thought about the placing of Comma's, Oxford or otherwise...
Anyone out there seen Expendables 3? I need a recommendation there, too many negatives...
And this is John Dodd, back in the USSR (United States of Sheffield and Rotherham) and Goodnight England, wherever you are...