It's been an eventful couple of days, I'm learning that my opinions on things are more interesting to people that the stories I'm writing, which is both a pleasant thing and a damning statistic in the same sentence, so I'm considering just putting the books out there when they're done and not as a continual stream of fiction.
Thoughts on this from all those reading would be appreciated.
I'm home now, and my heart soars again, I don't know about everyone else, but when I'm working away from home, it's like I'm not myself. In the manner of John Carter, it's like I'm a copy of my real self out there doing things but not whole till I return home.
Important safety note, never eat filled Dunkin Donuts in your car, even when not moving, they explode everywhere and leave you looking like the a truculent child dropped one on you...
So this is John Dodd, with all his clothes in the wash, Home and Happy again, and Goodnight England, Wherever you are...