Saturday 28 March 2020

Corona's Virus - Adventurers Guild briefing day 5 - Clerics and Cures

Morning Everyone

You’ve all heard by now about the clerics just outside the city, and I know that you all know that what they’re selling isn’t anything that anyone should be buying.  We’ve had the order of Jued down here and everything short of Wishes isn’t touching this bloody virus.  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

Cure Disease…  Doesn’t…

Problem is that they’re clerics of the mind union from way north in Tyravig, so they’re covered by diplomatic immunity, and they’re being careful with their wording.  They’re not calling it a cure, they’re calling it a health boost, even though the wording says that you’ll instantly feel better and last a lot longer while under the influence of it.

We gave some to the labs to test, what we found were a whole bunch of compounds that the Alliance of Affordable Companions reported stolen a while back, so what those clerics are selling is accurate, you will last a lot longer while under the influence of it, but perhaps not in the way you were after.  Can’t do anything about it, people everywhere are just looking for hope, and remedies from regular sips of swamp water, because if you can survive that, you can survive anything, to staying out in the sun because the Lord of Light protects, are being touted everywhere.  We’re not here to police peoples superstitions, we’re just here to keep the peace, keep the everlasting clerics outside and if you’re going to take what they’re selling, make sure it’s only one of them, I don’t want to find any of you flying flags around town, y’hear?

In other news, we just got word from the city council, they’ve put word out for volunteers from the prison at Hydra to help us.  Owens and Resec will be handling the applications, most of them will be looking to make a break for it, so the first two weeks of any assignment are down the sewers.  If we lose them down there, they’re already dead, and if they’re coming back after two weeks, they’re genuinely trying to help, although I wouldn’t be holding my… Well, I would be holding my breath, but you know where I’m coming from.

That’s everything for the morning watch, Convicts and Charlatans are the order of the day, just remember…

Let’s be careful out there…