Friday, 20 November 2015

And so I've been quiet for a while...

For which there's been a damn good reason, several reasons in fact, not least of which that shortly after the last post, I had Wyntercon to run, and coming up in two weeks, I've got Dragonmeet.  The upshot of both of those has been that the last month has been mostly consumed by sorting out all that needed to be done there.

That in turn has culminated in a lot of delays in other things that I wanted to do and a lot of people asking me for things that I'd normally help with and have had to flat refuse, which isn't like me, but I'm learning as time goes on that actually one man can only make a difference himself some of the time.

Not an easy lesson...

That said, two of the largest kickstarters I've backed have just landed, and there'll be reviews of them shortly, being Dungeon Saga and Shadows over Normandie, and I've managed to read a few more books and experiment with a few more pens since last I was here.

I'm also making a concerted effort to cut things out of my life that are toxic, and there'll be more on that shortly too...

So to paraphrase a better man than I, sorry I've been away so long, I won't let you down again...