Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Sometimes... You've just got to change the Ammo...

And when your weapon of choice is a pen, the ammunition has to be Ink...

I've been writing for a while with Deep Dark Blue, but I found that over time, the colour was fading from the almost midnight colour I was so fond of to a far lighter shade, and so I switched back to black for a while, starting with the parker Quink that I already have tons of that sadly dries to a grey (a dark grey to be sure, but grey nonetheless...).

So I tried something else, Pelikans Edelstein Onyx, which has been working very well for me and I've been enjoying it immensely, but I heard word of inks that were produced by a man alone, he no longer ships them to england (except at great cost through certain suppliers), and mixes them himself, a one man band that took on all comers in the world, including such great ink companies as Diamine...

So I sought these inks out, coming with evocative names such as Heart of Darkness, Bad Green Gator, 54th Massachusetts and others, and some being described as "Bulletproof", which is to say that they're both bleach, ink, and scrubbing resistant, and the only problem being that they're not available in this country...

Unless you want to pay £50 a bottle...

Which I was not inclined to do without knowing the quality of the ink...

And so upon Ebay I found a seller who was putting out tester bottles of 2ml of ink in all the different types, and here now are those two ink samples, being Heart of Darkness (because you would, wouldn't you...) and Brilliant Black, which I'm going to fill my empty Edelstein cartridges with and test out, results when I have them...