Monday, 1 September 2014

Day 244 - Story September - Required 671000, Achieved 670164

Following the great success of the RPG a Day challenge that I did last month, I thought that a similar challenge might be a good thing in the coming weeks for September, so I’m going to make this Story September, each day a new short story. 

I don’t have any prepared, but I’ve got hundreds of ideas thanks to Tiny Wife, and I can run with those, but I’ll be wanting to use them in days to come rather than using them all up in the writing of short stories, so I’m also going to throw the challenge open to the world.  It can be anything from a single word to a paragraph, and obscenities notwithstanding, I’ll take any subject and work on it. 

Won’t promise a particular length of story or that it’ll be what you were looking for if the idea is too vague.  However, on the flipside of that, if the description is so detailed, you’ve practically written the story yourself, it leaves very little for me to actually do, so leave me some leeway.  Comments can be left on the facebook page or the blog, and I won’t always guarantee to put the story up the next day, but it will be done.

So, for all those out there who had a thought and wanted it turning into a story, now’s the time, leave me a word, an idea, anything at all, and I’ll make it into a story.  If you don’t like the one you get, ask for another one.

I’m good for it...