Saturday, 26 April 2014

Day 116 - Something most exciting just landed in the dropbox... Required 319000, Achieved 314884

I haven't mentioned it before, but I'm doing my own game to be released this year, it's taken some time and indeed some money, as I don't believe in doing half measures.  For all the things I haven't been able to do myself, I've brought in professionals as I believe this is the way forwards, if you're going to do something right, do it right, don't do it yourself and hope that you can do it as well as someone who does it all the time...

I have a professional doing the layout and the first parts of it just landed in, I'll be sharing some of it when I have the size down to manageable, and I'll be presenting it at the Dragons Den at Expo, because here I am telling everybody to do what they want to and not what they have to, what example would I set if I didn't do the same myself...


This is John Dodd in the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire and Goodnight England, Wherever you are...