Sunday, 26 January 2014

Day Twenty Six - Fast and Furious

Which is also the name of the film currently in the DVD player, the sixth to be precise...

There are those who say that the films are a good example of how to have unbelievable characters doing unbelievable thing at unbelievable speeds, but I think that those people are missing the point of such films.  It's entirely possible to enjoy a book or a film despite it being utterly rooted in things that are impossible and filled with characters that have complete script immunity, this does not mean they're bad, it means that you need to go into them with eyes wide open.

I should stress that neither of the two books that I'm doing at the moment have any characters that are immune from the script, just in case anyone is wondering, I don't believe in writing it myself even though I can enjoy things where certain characters have complete immunity from everything.

Still, been a productive day today, so todays update brings me back up to date and a little ahead again...

This is John Dodd in the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire, and Goodnight England, Wherever you are...